Tuesday, 31 May 2011

Group Members

My group consisted of:
Abe Hollingsworth
Nina Schotanus
Lydia Diver

Monday, 30 May 2011

Group Work: KASI Advert

Here is the Advertisement my group and I came up with for "KASI".  Our intentions were to advertise our brand in a fun and interesting way that would appeal to our target audience. We focused on the street wear aspect of the brand, and created a gritty advert through a series of clips relating to music. The advert is light-hearted and comedic, but also expresses the origin of this brand, in the slums of Kenya and the street-wear aspect particularly. The idea was, that when wearing the KASI brand, the character in the advert was able to "breakaway" (our slogan) from his surrounds and was unstoppable. 

Wednesday, 18 May 2011

Group Work: Logo and Slogan Development

Above is out final Logo. We also decided on our slogan to be "Break Away" and this is portrayed in the logo, with the triangles. Our main symbol can be recognised easily on the clothing without the name "KASI" next to it and this is something we intentionally wanted to achieve. 

Above is the development and thought processes my group went through in deciding a final logo.

Group Work: Brainstorm

Brainstorm showing my groups idea for "KASI" athletic apparel 

Tuesday, 17 May 2011


This is a short clip that illustrates the effects that photoshop can have when used in advertising. This was created by one of Maybelline's competitors Dove, as they campaign for "real beauty" without the photoshopping. 

Beginning of Project 3

Design concepts for the word, the poster and the letter

Initial brainstorm of my ideas on the company "Maybelline"

Tuesday, 10 May 2011

YouTube Link

Here is my YouTube link, so you can watch it in a larger screen, without it being heavily pixilated.

The Clip

My clip shows the relation culture and context has with the factors involved in design. Using Christchurch post-earthquake as an example, this video shows how culture and context designers will investigate and research all the factors that are relevant in rebuilding a fantastic city. And being from Christchurch myself, this project sits close to my heart.

Story Board

Story Board showing my intentions for my clip

Clip Ideas

Example of the aesthetics and the type of images that I will use to make my movie. I will be using photoshop to manipulate these styles of images into a stop-motion movie.

Ideas about how I am going to create my clip and what issue I will cover, in mindmap form.

Culture + Context Mindmap

Above is my mindmap about what I believe culture and context design is about.