Thursday, 8 September 2011

171 Assignment 6

Walter Benjamin said; 
"To an ever greater degree the work of art reproduced becomes the work of art designed for reproducibility. From a photographic negative, for example, one can make any number of prints; to ask for the authentic print makes no sense." 

Benjamin had negative views on the development of scopic regimes of modernity and the then new ability to reproduce art, saying that with these new technologies that the authenticity and aura of art would diminish. He raised the question as to where fine art now sat in the developing mechanical world. Walter Benjamin saw this development concerning to the diminish of the authenticity and aura of art and I agree with his opinions. 

Modern mechanical production has allowed an incredible increase in mass distribution through replication, in vast mediums such as advertising, television, internet, film and newspapers. Walter Benjamin's response to this was that through this new ability to reproduce art on a mass scale, and distribute to the masses, the authenticity and aura of the original piece would diminish. I agree with this and use an example of Leonardo Da Vinci's, "Mona Lisa" to explain my opinion. The "Mona Lisa" is arguably one of the most famous and recognisable paintings in the world, and is displayed in Louvre Museum in Paris. Multiple replications have been made digitally of this painting, you can but replicas on tea-towels, keyrings, you name it! I believe you cannot begin to experience the aura and authenticity of this amazing piece of art when looking at theses digital replicas. I must admit I have not had the privilege to view Leonardo's amazing work in real life but can appreciate that the replicas would not offer nearly the same authentic experience and aura as the real thing. With this point I can say that there is not a role for authenticity in an age of digital design and manufacture. In this sense, replicas of art, I believe, can not offer the viewer the same authentic experience and aura, but the original can. However, I think modern mechanical production has done new and exciting things for all creative fields especially design, and new ways of creating "the authentic" and aura can come through these. 

Leonardo Da Vince, Mona Lisa, 1503-1505
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